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Hey there,
I'm Chelsea

But, since I've got you here, I thought I might actually tell you about me and why I do what I do.
I LOVE the flute. I love performing.
However, the most rewarding part of this whole career for me has been helping others navigate not only the flute, but their lives and careers in music.
And, there are parts of my career (that you won't find in that fancy bio) that were very difficult. Failures, setbacks, and moments where I thought I'd give it all up.
In 2019 I found coaching. It felt like a puzzle piece being put into place. This was what I was meant to do, and as I was learning these tools to change my mindset, I thought, "everyone needs to know about this immediately..."
My work is to empower musicians and creatives so we can thrive in a world that tells us there isn't room for everyone.
This is what my amazing coaching client Courtney had to say:
"It is so personalized and I truly believe there is something to gain from coaching for everyone. I was shocked how much I learned and grew over a month and feel like I have life-long tools to handle things better!"
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